Compass North
Research Projects& PUBLICATIONS
Research committee members collaborate with community partners and conduct independent research to gain a deeper understanding of local health needs and assess the impact of Compass North across Northern Ontario. Through these efforts, they aim to generate valuable insights that inform healthcare strategies, enhance resource allocation, and support sustainable health improvements tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in Northern communities.

Hannah Shortreed
Director of Research & NOSM U Research Lead

Prishaa Rajalathan
LU Research Lead
Previous Projects
Development and Evaluation of a Student-Led Mental Health Promotion Workshop to Address Community Needs for Marginalized Populations in Urban Northern Ontario, Canada.
Journal of Student-Run Clinics
Eton, V., Semalulu, T., Desruisseaux, T., Kuehner, Z., Leinonen, E., McCann, J., Petrick, C., Hoy, J. T., Lagadouro, D., Young, A., & McPhail, J. (2019).
Do Presentation or Discussion Based Workshop Styles Elicit the Best User Feedback from Vulnerable Populations in Northwestern Ontario?
Free Clinic Research Collective
Frederick Miller, A., Grebowicz, A., Gunka, B., Hanley, J., Leung, T., Malette, J., Moir, A., Nenadov, O., Pennock, B., & Prystanski, S. (2019).
Going Beyond Good Intentions: Needs Assessment for Student-Led Health Outreach in Northern Ontario.
Journal of Student-Run Clinics
Thorgrimson, J., Doble, D., Balfour-Boehm, J., Bastedo, J., Cole, J., Doiron, F., Haggarty, M., Hoy, K., McLean, M., Rom, K., Shewfelt, D., Stephenson, W., Haggarty, J., & Newhouse, I. (2016).
Current Projects
Escaping the Vape: A Program Evaluation of an Interactive, Elementary School-Based Vaping Education Program in Northern Ontario.​
Aalto, H., Adams-Carpino, G., Harland, E., Klein, C., Lotsios, F., & Smith, S.
Meeting Health Needs in Northern Canada: A Socially Accountable Student-Run Free Health Outreach Model Review.
Harland, E., & Smith, S.
Primary Care Accessibility for Immigrants Living in Thunder Bay, ON.
Adams-Carpino, G., Carr, G., Giles, S., Harland, E., Meaden, A., O’Donnell, J., Rajalathan, P., Seidu Ibrahim, S., Shahid, Z., Silk, K., Wallace, A.
Student-Led Blood Pressure Clinics: A Community-Level Intervention to Improve Blood Pressure Health Literacy Among Adults Living in Northern Ontario.
Harland, E., Hunt, E., Poulin, C., Powell, S., Ritchie, K., & Schmanda, L.